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Stock: In Stock
The Edison Pen Co. Comet has a very distinct shape. Its widest point is on the cap, where the two contrasting materials meet. The pen then gradually tapers down, like a comet's tail. The Edison Pen Company was founded by Brian and Andrea Gray in 2007 and named after the inventor Thomas Alva Ediso..
EUR €179,00
Sem impostos:EUR €147,93
Stock: In Stock
A caneta Edison Pen Co. Comet tem uma forma muito distinta. O seu ponto mais largo situa-se na tampa, onde os dois materiais contrastantes se encontram. A caneta vai-se afunilando gradualmente, como a cauda de um cometa. A Edison Pen Company foi fundada por Brian e Andrea Gray em 2007 e recebeu o n..
EUR €179,00
Sem impostos:EUR €147,93
Stock: 12 - 14 dias úteis
The Edison Pen Co. Comet has a very distinct shape. Its widest point is on the cap, where the two contrasting materials meet. The pen then gradually tapers down, like a comet's tail. The Edison Pen Company was founded by Brian and Andrea Gray in 2007 and named after the inventor Thomas Alva Ediso..
EUR €179,00
Sem impostos:EUR €147,93
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